Who Coined The Phrase The Iron Curtain. Winston Churchill The expression Iron Curtain was coined by Winston Churchill, who was prime minister of Britain in World War II. 💡 Find an answer to your question "Who coined the phrase iron curtain." in History if you're in doubt about the correctness of the answers or there's no answer. Leader who coined the phrase 'Iron Curtain'.
deanna time: IRON CURTAIN (Russell Frazier) Churchill first used the term soon after the war, when the Soviet Union was beginning to carry out its plans for postwar dominance of eastern Europe. The expression Iron Curtain was coined by Winston Churchill, who was prime minister of Britain in World War II. So far as the phrase refers to the barrier between the Soviet-dominated half of Europe and the rest, it was coined by one of Hitler's ministers, Count Schwerin von In the east, the iron curtain behind which, unseen by the eyes of the world, the work of destruction goes on is moving steadily forward." The Iron Curtain was the physical dividing line between Western Europe and the Warsaw Pact It bears mentioning that Churchill did not coin the phrase "Iron Curtain" to describe the Soviet The East German and Soviet forces are out looking for the guy who killed the soldier immediately, while.
Wells used Iron Curtain in describing "enforced privacy" in The Food of the.
American diplomat who stressed the need to contain communism.
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He said an iron curtain now divided Europe. Getting to the moon was no easy feat, no matter how confident Kennedy may. Democracy was in the West and Communism in the East.