Define The Iron Curtain
Define The Iron Curtain. The Iron Curtain is a term used in the West to refer to the boundary line which divided Europe into two separate areas of political influence from the end of World War II until the An iron curtain would fall over this enormous territory controlled by the Soviet Union, behind which nations would be slaughtered." Iron curtain definition, a barrier to understanding and the exchange of information and ideas created by ideological, political, and military hostility of one country toward another, especially such a barrier between the Soviet Union and its allies and other countries. K e n n e d y who visited Berlin and spoke the.
Iron Curtain definition: People referred to the border that separated the Soviet Union and the communist countries.
Today we no longer have to fight against the Iron Curtain, honourable Members - I have on several occasions already brought in this piece of the real Iron Curtain from near my hometown - but only against a few 'No Entry' signs.
The Iron Curtain, named after the metaphoric boundary that separated the Western and Eastern blocks in the Cold War era, was a Soviet superweapon that could render one Soviet unit invulnerable for a period of time. K e n n e d y who visited Berlin and spoke the. Definition of the Iron Curtain noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. the Iron Curtain. noun.