Former Iron Curtain Countries
Former Iron Curtain Countries. Serbia was never behind the Iron Curtain, so doesn't belong in this discussion. White people in the former Warsaw Pact countries still cherish their racial and cultural identities, and their politicians and citizens are trying to keep immigrants out.
First, and perhaps most importantly, the former Soviet bloc countries are quite dierent from one another. They would not be required to act against their own nation, but in other respects they would be. Thuringia, the former East German state that has the longest stretch of the Green Belt on its borders—more than half of its total length—declared the area a.
The Iron Curtain included Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Romania, Poland and Albania.
Bad food, poor economies, bad architecture, mostly homophobic.
They would not be required to act against their own nation, but in other respects they would be. The Iron Curtain is a reference to the geographic boundary along which the Soviet Union sealed itself off during the Cold War era. Iron Curtain definition: People referred to the border that separated the Soviet Union and the communist countries.