Cold War Iron Curtain Source Analysis Answer Key
Cold War Iron Curtain Source Analysis Answer Key. He used the term 'iron curtain' to describe the line in Europe that divided Western Europe. A term popularized by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to describe the Soviet Union's policy of isolation during the Cold War. Consolidate knowledge on the events surrounding Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech. Improve skills of source analysis Source A A shadow has fallen upon the scenes so lately lighted by the Allied victory.
Your answer should be to the point Use short The iron curtain was disintegrated.
Sir Winston Churchill coined the phrase 'Iron Curtain' after the end of world war two in reference to the He referred to the creation of a division in Europe, that subsequently would spread to the whole world and lead to the Cold War.
It means the border between the states that were members of the Warsaw Pact (in Eastern Europe), and those that were not (then called The West). He used the term 'iron curtain' to describe the line in Europe that divided Western Europe. The Iron Curtain refers to the boundary demarcating the two blocs, running roughly from Arctic Russia right across Eastern Europe to the Black Sea.