Man Behind The Curtain Oz
Man Behind The Curtain Oz. When Dorothy and the rest reached the City of Oz, the wizard was talking to them and a curtain was accidentally pulled aside revealing that an ordinary man was really the wizard and it was all a big show. Erica Henderson's guest story in Sluggy Freelance makes an Oz reference and uses this trope with Sluggy creator Pete Abrams appearing as a giant glowing figure treated as a god, but.
When Dorothy and the rest reached the City of Oz, the wizard was talking to them and a curtain was accidentally pulled aside revealing that an ordinary man was really the wizard and it was all a big show.
They came for answers, and just like in Oz, the results have not been as hoped for.
The author of The Wizard of Oz, L. She became even fonder of him in tin than in human form, since she would no longer have to cook for a man who did not eat or. He had previously promised that in return for the broomstick, he would grant them a ride home for Dorothy, a brain for the.