The Famous Iron Curtain Speech Was Made By
The Famous Iron Curtain Speech Was Made By. It contains certain phrases- "the special relationship," "the sinews of peace " - which at once entered into general use, and which have survived. Terms in this set (.) conflict between the us and the soviet union. cold war.. the famous "Iron Curtain" speech was made by. the prime minister of Great Britain; Winston Churchill.
As the disagreements between the Communist countries and the independent countries grew, the Iron Curtain became the dividing line in the conflict that was called the Cold War. With typical oratorical skills, Church introduced the phrase "Iron Curtain" to describe the division between Western powers and the area controlled by the Soviet Union. But did Churchill coin the phrase?
The speech was named by Churchill, “The Sinews of Peace,†and changed the way the democratic West viewed the Communist East.
A.,' and I thought, 'We're all going to die.
With typical oratorical skills, Church introduced the phrase "Iron Curtain" to describe the division between Western powers and the area controlled by the Soviet Union. After Churchill's famous speech, the dividing line between eastern and western Europe became known as the Iron Curtain. The speech was officially entitled "The Sinews of Peace" but became better known as the "Iron Curtain" speech.