Iron Curtain Used In A Sentence
Iron Curtain Used In A Sentence. Built in a cleft among the hills which line the river Resava, an affluent of the Morava, this monastery is enclosed in a fortress, whose square towers, and curtain without loopholes or. Actually the first person to use the phrase "Iron Curtain" was An example of a sentence using the word "dapper" would be: The opera crowd looked dapper and handsome as they waited for the curtain to open.
Although its popularity as a Cold War symbol is attributed to its use in a speech Winston Churchill.
Iron Curtain - The concept of the Iron Curtain symbolized the ideological fighting and physical boundary dividing Europe into two separate Iron Curtain In A Sentence.
Crossing the border into the neighboring country proved impossible when an iron curtain was created to halt the entrance of any non-citizen. 🔊. Iron Curtain in a Sentence 🔊. How do you use Iron Curtain in a sentence? 'Refugees from behind the Iron Curtain were fleeing a tyranny that threatened us all.' 'After some serious soul-searching I came to realise that the only reason for my sudden stardom was the fact that I was born west of the Iron Curtain.' Synonyms for iron curtain at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions.