Man Behind The Curtain Postcode. After bringing his father's body to Ben, Locke demands to see Jacob, the leader of the Others. Derived from the movie The Wizard of Oz.
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Subverted: There was no man behind the curtain - Ben never spoke with Jacob, who doesn't really live in the cabin.
Ben, a regañadientes, introduce a Locke en los misterios de la isla, incluyendo al misterioso Jacob.
The man behind the curtain 432337 - The Jerusalem Post
That Man Behind the Curtain: February 2018 | Journal, Mad
The Man Behind the Curtain, Leeds - Samphire and Salsify
Curiozity Corner: Jim Shore Fall 2015
"Justified" The Man Behind the Curtain (TV Episode 2012 ...
Pulling Back the Curtain: A Story of Authenticity
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The curtain the curtain the curtain is drawn. After bringing his father's body to Ben, Locke demands to see Jacob, the leader of the Others. Toto pulls back the curtain to reveal that the Wizard is not who Dorothy and the other thought he was.