The Iron Curtain And The Berlin Wall
The Iron Curtain And The Berlin Wall. The Iron Curtain was at first an ideological and then a physical separation of communist Eastern Europe. The Iron Curtain specifically refers to the imaginary line dividing Europe between Soviet influence and Western influence, and symbolizes efforts by the Physically, the Iron Curtain took the form of border defenses between the countries of Europe in the middle of the continent, most notably the Berlin Wall.
The Iron Curtain began to rise when the wall met its demise.
The "Iron Curtain" wasn't so much a real thing - although there was definitely a militarized border between the Warsaw Pact countries and the rest The Berlin Wall itself was not a rhetorical device, but was a purpose-built barrier between the Western-controlled sections of Berlin and the part of.
In the dead of night, one of Europe's largest cities had been divided by the beginnings of what the world would come to know as the Berlin Wall. The fall of the Berlin Wall has generally been recognized as a symbol of the downfall of the Iron Curtain, an end to the ideological confrontation and the start of the democratic transformation of Europe. As the sun rose that morning, Berliners were.